Leadership Tip: Find yourself in a work drama? Try a Responsibility Reset

Updated: Dec 11, 2018

A client works in a small, start-up tech company made up mostly of ex-military personnel. The work culture there is one of unquestioned respect for authority and brusque communication styles. Our client’s professional experience prior to the start-up was in Fortune 500 companies with more relational leadership styles.

As we discussed her tensions with leadership who did not seek out or seem interested in her opinions, we asked her to consider a “Responsibility Reset” and consider where she was outsourcing her own 100% responsibility. An example of her taking 100% responsibility in that situation was to turn her complaints into powerful requests. We coached our client to get clear on what she wanted (appreciation/respect for her contributions) and making a clear request to her supervisors (that they acknowledge and allow for discussion of her ideas in team meetings).

Though simple, making the powerful request was not easy for our client to do, but with practice she had a success in the form of leadership taking her idea and implementing it.

Action Step:

Next time you find yourself complaining about someone at work, ask yourself, what is my role here? How did I helped create this situation? What do I really want?

If you like this and are interested in your – or your team’s leadership development –contact us to discuss how we can help you: nancy@craftedleadership.com, melanie@craftedleadership.com, julianna@craftedleadership.com, or call 303-709-3145.
