Leadership in Action: Serenie Gagon

Updated: Nov 5, 2020

Serenie Gagon

Leadership in Action is our ongoing series featuring inspiring leaders who are taking conscious leadership into their workplaces and lives.

Serenie Gagon is a Director of Product Management at Finicity. She participated in Crafted Leadership’s Lead by Design training and has found great value in using our tools and practices across environments.

What’s a habit you had to give up to advance your leadership?

Jumping into solution mode. When I practice resonant listening and stay curious it opens possible solutions that better fit the problem.

Which conscious leadership tool or practice is your favorite? Why does it work for you?

Making impeccable agreements. The simple definition of who will do what and by when creates transparency and accountability that otherwise falls below the radar in many business interactions.

What’s the best leadership book, podcast or article you’ve read recently?

Creative Trespassing by Tania Katan. I had the privilege of listening to Tania speak at Pluralsight LIVE and found her to be truly inspiring. #itwasneveradress

What’s the very best thing that comes from having good leaders in our world?

When leaders model healthy responsibility, emotional literacy, and remain open to discovery they inspire and mobilize others to create positive change.

What informal things have helped you become the leader you are?

Being a mother has been one of the primary platforms for developing my leadership skills. Everything I have learned in the workplace is applicable at home. The daily challenges I face as a mother are the proving ground for workplace trials.

How do you foster an inclusive work environment, embracing differences? Is that important and why?

Diversity and Inclusion are near and dear to my heart as a former board member of Utah Diversity Connections. As Stephen R. Covey said, “Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.” Embracing different perspectives creates healthy cognitive dissonance. When leaders (and organizations) create an environment where everyone is empowered to challenge the status quo, it will propel the collective to new heights of innovation and raise the bar on our potential.
