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Our Philosophy

We believe leadership is taking healthy responsibility for what you create in the world. By this definition, everyone has the capacity to be a leader, no matter their role. We also believe leadership is a way of life, not just a title. 

Our View On Leadership​

It’s generally acknowledged that an organization’s potential is tied to the abilities of its leaders. Our business can only grow as much as its leaders do (what John Maxwell calls “the law of the lid”). Therefore, organizations benefit when their leaders commit to knowing themselves and growing themselves.


When we suggest leaders commit to growing themselves, we mean growing their self-awareness intentionally and with purpose and practices. We support leaders to optimize the use of their time and energy by discovering and affirming their unique contributions – and helping their colleagues to do the same. 


We are about re-invigorating leadership and normalizing the idea that work can be meaningful, creative, and health-inducing, not stress-inducing. As leaders develop themselves and utilize practices and principles that generate high trust and engagement, they will invigorate the entire system and positively impact the bottom line. That’s a win-win-win.

Our Foundation

Our work is grounded in the pioneering human development work of psychologists Katie and Gay Hendricks and Julia Colwell, whose teachings, writing and experiential exercises in transformational growth and whole-body learning have been tested and refined with thousands of participants around the world. Having studied and learned from these leaders, we've translated many of their core teachings into the professional context. As a result of their wisdom, Crafted Leadership’s programs interweave neuropsychology, physiology, and improvisation.


We also appreciate the contributions of John Mackey, co-author of Conscious Capitalism and Conscious Leadership,  Barry Johnson, author of Polarity Management, and the authors of The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership – Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman, and Kaley Warner Klemp – whose work supports a growing interest in conscious leadership.


We’re grateful to our colleagues Julia Munson, Melanie Meador, Cathy Morris, and Anna McGrath for helping us refine and evolve the skills and practices we teach.


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